Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Post Holiday Schedule

Well, we had our second to last lottery tonight so now I know what my schedule will look like until the spring.

I have Family Medicine first for four weeks at Swedish Covenant Hospital, then Emergency Medicine for four weeks at Mt. Sinai, and then Medicine for eight weeks at Lutheran General. Family Med is great because that hospital is only a 5 minute drive away. Emergency Med will be good because it is the only location where students get to work on the trauma side of the ED (it's broken up into trauma or medicine, with trauma being stabbings and gun shots and fun stuff, and medicine being headaches and stomach aches and boring stuff). And Lutheran will be good because the commute is decent, the teaching there is good, they have a gym that I can get a cheap membership to while I'm there, and I'll be on that rotation with several good friends.


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