Monday, March 15, 2010


That actually wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Even thinking about it now is worse than the actual event. It helped that our standardized patient was the same guy in all the online videos we watched last year to learn the head-to-toe exam, so it was kind of like learning with an old friend! And old friend who is now in the flesh, and in the buff!

It also helped that we worked in groups of three, and I got to go in with some pretty kick ass girls, A and N. There were lots of "yays!" and "oh, that's what it feels like!" and there may have even been some happy dancing when we each completed the exam. Our standardized patient cheered right along with us, and was totally awesome at making us feel comfortable and at ease, even when his cell phone alarm went off right as A was about to start the prostate exam. That was slightly awkward, but we all laughed it off and joked that it was actually a buzzer because A failed.

Now on to the female exam in a couple of weeks!

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