Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The most disgusting lab ever

Today in Anatomy lab we probed and prodded the pelvic area, and then proceeded to cut it in half. That's right, right down the middle. We cut all the soft tissue with a scalpel, and then had to use a saw to cut through the pubic (poo-bic) symphysis and up through the coccyx and sacrum, up to about L4/L5 (lower back).

Needless to say, I think I am scarred for life. There is something so wrong about turning a dead woman onto her side, raising one leg, and sawing down the middle of her lady bits. Looking around and seeing everyone do this at their lab tables and hearing the saw go through bone was probably the strangest, most disturbing thing I have ever experienced. And there was poo everywhere. Ev-er-y-where. And then we had to clean everything up, and take any remaining poo out of the rectum so it wouldn't smell too bad and we could actually find all the structures we needed to.

I just feel so gross and dirty.


-hh said...

my hoo-haa hurts just thinking about this experience. i am second-thinking my body-to-science donation. it sounds like they just threw you right in the mix already! i hope you're having a great time and making friends, too!

Timzie said...

Thanks Holls Bolls!

And I'm sorry if I am turning anyone off to donating their body to science. I don't mean to. I am truly grateful that people are willing to do that. It helps so much to be able to see the actual organs, muscles, nerves, and vessels and to see their relationships to one another. It looks so entirely different from the pictures in the textbooks, and there is so much variability, that I don't think the drawings alone would be sufficient to truly learn this stuff.