Sunday, August 30, 2009

And the list keeps on growin'....

Now I can add deer to my list of wildlife sightings around school. I saw two crossing the road not even half a mile south of here. Yay for nature!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My Summer In Pictures (so far)

Dad and I were causin' a ruckus... the Lane County Museum.

Off to the Newport tide pools with Dad...

And the Oregon Coast Aquarium...

And of course a stop at Rogue Brewery for a taste of Sig's Northwestern...

Off to Bend for Jenn and Casey's wedding....

The Portland Classical Chinese Garden with Mom...

The Waffle Window and Saturday Market with Athena...

Fourth of July Parade in Lake Bluff and fireworks over Kenosha Harbor with Alyssa and Derek...

A Yacht Rock themed party with Monica...

And off to Cleveland for a conference with Alyssa...

We'll see what the next week and a half brings before school starts up again!