Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving Mom and Dad! Wish I could be with you this year.

Love and miss you!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Good Morning

This is what I woke up to this morning:

I think it is going to be a very long, very cold winter for the Pacific NW gal.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


As you know I finished my first term of school on Friday the 7th. What I didn't tell you was that I flew home the next morning to surprise my mom. I had a ticket I needed to use and I figured it would be a nice opportunity to go home and relax. I knew my mom would also be happy to see me, but I really wanted to surprise her, so I told pretty much everyone but her. My friend Kirsten was kind enough to pick me up at the airport and drive me to my mom's house, then ring the doorbell to get her to the door. I was kind of hoping for a Publisher's Clearinghouse kind of reaction, but instead got more of a what-the-hell-are-you-doing-here reaction. Oh well. I think she was still definitely surprised.

Some background from before I got home...
I actually woke up that morning 7 minutes after my taxi was supposed to pick me up to take me to O'Hare. Somehow I slept through 2 alarms but woke up to a text message vibrating my phone which was across the room. After throwing on my clothes (which I had neatly laid out the night before) and running downstairs to make sure the taxi was still waiting, I flew back upstairs to grab my bag and lock my door. Thank goodness I packed everything the night before! Then I dealt with the overly chatty cab driver who also insisted on showing me pictures of his entire family, one picture being of his scantily clad young wife. Thanks dude. Then I got to wander around O'Hare because I could not find a departure display with my specific airline on it. You would think they would put these right on the other side of security, so once you get through, you check the screen and go to your gate. Nooooo. I had to wander halfway down the terminal before finding it.

Anyway, I finally made it home and a great time visiting, relaxing, and reading for fun. It was basically the fastest week of my life.

But now I am back and ready to get this term off to a great start. I've already forced myself to go to the library 3 times, and if you knew how much I hate this library, you would know how awesome this is.

Friday, November 7, 2008


I finished my last final exactly 3 hours and 1 minute ago. It feels great to be done. I'm not so sure about my grades, but at least this week is over. I haven't slept more than four hours a night, and I think I may have worn the same outfit every day. I've also discovered that even two pots of coffee won't keep me up all night, no matter how strong I brew them.

Anyhoo, I treated myself to a nice home-cooked meal and a beer. And now I can finally clean up my aparment, do some laundry, take care of the foot tall stack of filing, and catch up on episodes of The Office. Thank God they put their episodes online!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Here comes the sun

It was only a week ago that there was talk of snow here, and now it is in the 70s. Crazy.

I've had 4 finals already, with two more to go. I've vowed not to check my grades until everything is over, so as not to become depressed. I'll wait until I have some time off and can cry without worrying about it taking up precious study time.

And on that note, back to studying.