Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ticket Me Elmo



Remember those Wassup guys from the Budweiser commercials? They're back, and just in time for election day.

And just for kicks, the original.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Baby it's cold outside

Brrr! It's not even Halloween yet and I just walked back from lab in some snow flurries. My fingers were practically numb by the time I got to my apartment, yet the people from this area keep telling me this is nothing compared to what winter will bring. I better stock up on some good long underwear.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hard to believe

that there are only two weeks until the first of my final exams. I feel like we just had midterms! Sheesh. Anyway, there will be lots of studying, and very little blogging, between now and then. Cross your fingers, knock on wood, and say a little prayer for me.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Long weekend

I have next Monday off. BMS (before med school) I would have wondered "Where will I go? What crazy shenanigans will I get myself into this weekend?" Now I wonder, "Oooh, how much Anatomy can I get caught up on? Will I have time to go into lab and brush up on my identifications? Can I get an awesome jump start on reading for next week?"

I guess it's good that I'm thinking these things, but honestly, it's also kind of sad.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

See, that didn't take so long

So whenever I am in the neighborhoods just south of school, I see these signs at major intersections. I've never seen signs like this before, but I just think they are a riot. Who puts this stuff on road signs? Are things that bad that you have to remind people to be caring at a 4 way stop? I hope people don't forgo teaching this at home or in schools because it's on a road sign.

(PS...I tried taking some pics with my camera phone, but none of them turned out. These are from http://www.ci.highland-park.il.us/community/character_counts_pillarAward.html)

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming

I know, I know. I haven't blogged in a while. But cut a girl some slack! We had midterms last week, so my days consisted of waking up, consuming copious amounts of coffee, and studying until approximately 2 am.

Now that I have sufficiently recuperated, I'll try to blog a little more.